Fr. Tony dropped by today. We talked our way into a discussion of suffering. Suffering - "Offer it up" - what's the point of that? Didn't Christ suffer sufficiently for us? How could there be anything left over, for St. Paul to say "I make up in myself what is lacking in the suffering of Christ?"
Yes, God Himself experienced ultimate, that is, complete suffering for the sake of our salvation. Therefore, no deficiency exists and our salvation is assured. Yet we still suffer, because we continue to live in the fallen world.
So, when we suffer, we have the choice of enduring it however we may, or we can take that suffering, that we will have not matter what, and ask God to accept it as a gift from us.
Jesus' Cross held the weight of all our sinfulness, and he carried it to completion. Now, today, I experience some suffering. I imagine it like this: Jesus is staggering along, beaten and exhausted, with the burden of His Cross. There is nothing that I can do to stop his suffering, for He has already completed it, and it had to happen that way for our Redemption. And I come along, and have my suffering in my own time. And I say to Him, "Here, let me carry this with You, and keep you company." I see Him pause a second and look at me with a smile, and that we go on together for as long as my suffering exists.
When Father Tony talks of Jesus, his face lights up. He looks as if he would embrace Christ on the cross, and take Him down and waltz with Him. He radiates great joy, even lightheartedness, yet I know he himself experiences great inner suffering. I always pray for him to find peace.
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