Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of Summer 2010

I'm sitting outside again, watching the evening turn into twilight. I just came back from a walk with my oldest daughter, and feel completely worn out. I feel like a convalescent recovering from some drawn out illness instead of just a somewhat severe attack of the common cold.

Birds are chirping their evening songs up in the trees around the house. Inside, the parakeets are squawking in response, chirp-squawk-trill.

If I remain very still, some of the wild birds may come down for a last drink from the birdbath. A pair of Western Goldfinches and a Tohee have adopted the bath as a regular stop in the early morning and evening. I can hear robins, some kind of warbler, and the tohee off in the distance, but so far no visitors.

Ah, here comes someone now, tentatively hopping along the ground picking at bugs. I will stop writing now and sit and watch. A wonderful way to end the first day of Astronomic Summer.

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